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Wednesday, 13 November 2013

Implementing GIS to tackle local government issue- Part 2

Part 1:

Information Products required

Title: Current Accessibility of the City

Name of the Department: Council Strategic Planning Unit (SPU)

Name of the person in Department: Danesh Prakash Chacko

Summary: The decision-makers at the council will utilize the product for current assessment of fulfilment of housing strategy. Since this product covers various topics for the strategy, council will be accessing to hardcopy maps and a web GIS application. The web application will shows user-customized maps showing areas of affordable rent and relative accessibility to various community facility services. The hardcopy maps produced will be showing the accessibility of residential areas (affordable) to clinics, child care centres, public transportation, disability services and others. They are produced on demand either through the web application or requests to GIS teams. Finally, there will be lists of community services facilities such as bulk-billing clinics with their details (address, contact number, number of personnel).

Map Requirements: Below here is sketch hardcopy map
Figure 1: Sample Map of Walking Accessibility to Clinics

List /Report Requirements: There will be tables of community service facilities divided into different categories (i.e. clinics). Below here would be example of clinic list
Contact (Telephone)
Practitioner Name
Service Type
Waiting Time
Opening Hours
Medical One
297 Church St 3121 Richmond VIC
Andrew Blecher
9 a.m. -5 p.m.

Document, Image & Schematics Requirements: Aerial Image is required as base image for the web GIS application. This is because it allows novice or new user/comers to city website orient themselves in the council area.

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